Strona: Uczestnictwo pracowników w konferencjach / Zakład Modelowania Matematycznego

Uczestnictwo pracowników w konferencjach

Rok 2019

Computational & Mathematical Methods in Science & Engineering (CMMSE-2019):

Datsko, M. Kutniv, A. Włoch, Mathematical Modeling of Complex Pattern Formation in Autocatalytic Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Anomalous Diffusion.

Datsko, M. Kutniv, A. Kunynets, A. Włoch, New Explicit High-Order One-Step Methods For Singular Initial-Value Problems.

The 7th Gdańsk Workshop in Graph Theory:

Andrzej Włoch,  Some properties of generalized Fibonacci sequences.

6th Conference on Nano and Micromechanics, Rzeszów:

Liliana Rybarska-Rusinek, Ewa Rejwer, Aleksandr Linkov, On speeding up nano- and micromechanical calculations for systems with long-range potentials.

4th Polish Congress of Mechanics and 23rd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics), Kraków:

Ewa Rejwer, Comparative study of two major realizations of the kernel independent fast multipole method (key-note),

Aleksandr Linkov,  Fast Fourier Transform BEM for layered structures with inhomogeneities,  

Liliana Rybarska-Rusinek , Acceleration of FM-BEM by proper assigning cut-off radius.

Non-integer Order Calculus and Its Applications (RRNR-2019):

Bohdan Datsko , Interaction of different types of instabilities in the brusselator model with fractional derivatives,

Bohdan Datsko , Pattern formation in fractional reactiondiffusion systems in a stability domain of homogeneous solutions.

Rok 2018

Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St. Petersburg, Federacja Rosyjska:

 Liliana Rybarska-Rusinek, Ewa Rejwer, Aleksandr Linkov, On speeding up numerical simulation of multiple truly 3d hydro fractures.

Symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods, Paris, France:

 Ewa Rejwer, Liliana Rybarska-Rusinek, Aleksandr Linkov, On increasing effciency of kernel-independent fast multipole method in 2D and 3D problems.

The 2nd International Symposium on Operational Methods in Fractional Dynamics:

Bohdan Datsko, Analysis of complex dynamics in nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems with fractional derivatives on basis of a combination of operational and numerical methods.

Non-integer Order Calculus and Its Applications (RRNR-2018):

Bohdan Datsko, Complex dynamics in basic two-component auto-oscillation and auto-wave systems with fractional derivatives of different orders.

IV Międzynarodowej Konferencji Matematyczno-Informatycznej „Congressio-Mathematica”:

Krzysztof Piejko, Fekete-Szego problem and Hankel determinant for certain subclass of close-to-convex functions.

Rok 2017

  1. International Workshop Fractional Calculus Day @ TUKE May 12, 2017 FBERG TUKE, Kosice, Slovakia

    • B. Datsko, Complex autowave solutions close to instability point in two-component time fractional reactiondiffusion systems.

  2. XVIII International Conference DYNAMICAL SYSTEM MODELLING AND STABILITY INVESTIGATION, Kiev, Ukraine, May 24-26, 2017

  3. International Summer School-Conference “Advanced Problems in Mechanics”
    June 22 - 27, 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia:
    • Wykład plenarny: Linkov A.M., Rejwer E., Rybarska-Rusinek L. "On using fast multipole methods for solving problems of continuum mechanics",
    • Rybarska-Rusinek L., Rejwer  E., Linkov A.M. "Accelerated numerical simulation of seismicity accompanying hydraulic fracture and mining",
    • Stepanov A.D., Linkov A.M. "Study of various numerical schemes for tracing hydraulic fractures".
  4. LVI Szkoła Matematyki Poglądowej "Matematyzacja", 25-29 sierpnia 2017, Wola Ducka (koło Otwocka):
    • K. Piejko
  5. Transform Methods and Special Functions 2017, 8th International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 27-31, 2017


  6. LXIV Open Seminar on Acoustics OSA 2017 Piekary Śląskie, September 11 – 15, 2017:
    •  Czyż Henryka, Jasiński Tadeusz, Włoch Andrzej, Distribution Functions and Time Constants of the Process of Cell Concentration Changes in Bodily Fluids in the Field of Ultrasonic Standing Wave.
  7. 17th Workshop on Graph Theory - Colourings Independence and Domination, 17-22 września 2017 roku Piechowice:
    • A. Włoch, Distance Fibonacci numbers.
  8. III Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna "Congressio Mathematica, 27-29 września 2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski:
    • K. Piejko, poster pt. Some kinds of colourings in graphs (współautor: Lucyna Trojnar-Spelina)).

    • B. Datsko, V. Gafiychuk, Mathematical modeling of traveling autosolitons in activator-inhibitor systems with fractional derivatives.

Rok 2016

  1. 54th International Symposium on Functional Equations, 12-19.06.2016, Hajduszoboszlo (Węgry):
    • W. Jabłoński: Algebraic approach to iterations in formal power series rings.
  2. The International Summer School “Advanced Problems in Mechanics” 27.06.2016 – 02.07.2016, St. Petersburg, Rosja:
    • D. Jaworski, A. M. Linkov , E. Rejwer, L. Rybarska-Rusinek: Universal computational module accounting for strong field concentration with application to hydraulic fracture.
  3. Workshop Cycles and Colourings, 4-9.09.2016, Novy Smokoviec, Słowacja:
    • A. Włoch
  4. European Conference on Iteration Theory 2016, 4-10.09.2016, Innsbruck (Austria):
    • W. Jabłoński: Algebraic aspects of iterations in rings of formal power series.
  5. Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter, 10.09.2016, Rzeszów:
    • T. Jasiński, A. Włoch, H. Czyż, Aspects of applicability King-St. Clair approximation in a non-Newtonian fluid mechanics.
  6. 54 Szkoła Matematyki Poglądowej, "Kolorowa Matematyka", 25-30.08.2016, Jachranka
  7. II Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna Congressio Mathematica, Olsztyn - Mierki, 20-23.09.2016:
    • K. Piejko, Alpha convex functions associated with conic domains.
  8. International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, 18-20.07.2016, Novi Sad, Serbia:
    • B. Datsko, B. Meleshko: Complex motions in simple fractional nonlinear autonomous systems.

Rok 2015

  1. 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015), 6 – 10.07.2015, Leganés-Madryt, Hiszpania:
    • D. Jaworski, A. M. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek: Universal edge boundary element for the asymptotic umbrella of hydraulic fracture problem,
    • A. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek: Universal edge boundary element for the asymptotic umbrella of hydraulic fracture problem.
  2. 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics and 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 8 – 11.09.2015, Gdańsk:
    • A. Dobroskok, A. M. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek: On simulation and interpretation of seismicity accompanying hydraulic fractures,
    • D. Jaworski, A. M. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek: Almost analytical evaluation of influence coefficients for ordinary and edge power-type boundary elements.
  3. 53rd International Symposium on Functional Equations, 14-21.06.2015, Krynica:
    • W. Jabłoński: Steinhaus-type property for a boundary of a slice.

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