Strona: Publikacje pracowników zakładu / Zakład Modelowania Matematycznego

Publikacje pracowników zakładu

Rok 2021

  1. B. Datsko, Mathematical modeling of complex spatio‐temporal dynamics in autocatalytic reaction‐diffusion systems with anomalous diffusion,  Computational and Mathematical Methods, doi 10.1002/cmm4.1112, 2021, tom3, zeszyt 3, str 1-15,
  2. B. Datsko, A.V. Kunynets, A. Włoch, New explicit high‐order one‐step methods for singular initial value problems,  Computational and Mathematical Methods, doi 10.1002/cmm4.1099, 2021, tom 3, zeszyt 3, str 1-17,
  3. K. Czerwińska, M. Pruchniak, Ł. Wałek, D. Jaworski, A.Pacana, Analiza i zastosowanie controlingu produkcji metodą ABC/XYZ w branży automotive, rozdział monografii: Społeczne, ekonomiczne i organizacyjne dylematy współczesnego zarządzania, Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana profesorowi Andrzejowi Gaździe, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, str 85-96, ISBN 978-83-7934-538-0
  4. D. Strzałka, A. Gerka, B. Kowal, P. Kuraś, G. Leopold, M. Lewicz, D. Jaworski, The Support System for Anomaly Detection with Application in Mainframe Management Process, 96 - 103, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volume 341: Modern Management based on Big Data II and Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems III, DOI 10.3233/FAIA210236
  5. E. Rejwer-Kosińska, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, A.Linkov, On evaluation of local fields by fast multipole method employing smooth equivalent/check surfaces. Applied Mathematics and computations, tom 48 (2021), str.1-17,  Doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2021.126363
  6. D. Bród, A. Włoch, (2,k)-Distance Fibonacci Polynomials, Symmetry-Basel, tom 13(2021), nr 2, str. 1-10, Doi: 10.3390/sym13020303.
  7. D. Strzałka, S. Wolski, A. Włoch, Distance Fibonacci Polynomials by Graph Methods Symmetry-Basel, tom 13(2021), nr 11, str. 1-11, Doi: 10.3390/sym13112075
  8. E. Ozkan, N. Yilmasz, A. Włoch, On F3(k,n)-numbers of the Fibonacci type, Boletin, De La Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, tom 27(2021), nr 3, str 1-18, Doi 10.1007/s40590-021-00381-9
  9. B. Kozicki, A. Włoch, R. Grabowski, S. Mitkow, Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Economic Security - Multidimensional Analysis of Real Estate Market Across Poland, Jurnal of Security and sustainability issues, tom 12(2022), nr 1, str. 5-15, Doi: 10.47459/jssi.2022.12.1

Rok 2020

  1. K. Piejko, J. Sokół, On convolution and q-calculus, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. 26, 349–359 (2020).

  2. B. Datsko, M. Kutniv, A. Włoch, Mathematical modelling of pattern formation in activator-inhibitor reaction-diffusion systems with anomalous diffusion, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 58 (3), 612-631, 2020

  3. M. Kutniv, B. Datsko, A. Kunynets, A Włoch, A new approach to constructing of explicit one-step methods of high order for singular initial value problems for nonlinear ordinary differential equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics 148, 140-151, 2020

  4. B. Datsko, Complex Dynamics in Basic Two-Component Auto-Oscillation Systems with Fractional Derivatives of Different Orders, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2020, 559, с. 99-112

  5. B. Datsko, M. Kutniv, A. Kunynets, A. Włoch, New explicit high‐order one‐step methods for singular initial value problems, Computational and Mathematical Methods, c. 1099, 2020

  6. B Datsko, Mathematical modeling of complex spatio‐temporal dynamics in autocatalytic reaction‐diffusion systems with anomalous diffusion, Computational and Mathematical Methods, e1112, 2020

  7. A.M. Linkov, N.S. Markov, Improved pseudo three-dimensional model for hydraulic fractures under stress contrast, Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sci., 2020, 130, June 2020, article 104316 (available online).

  8. L. Rybarska-Rusinek, E. Rejwer, A. Linkov, On speeding up nano- and micromechanical calculations for irregular systems with long-range potentials, Bulletin of Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences, v. 68, No 2, p. 337-344.

  9. A.M. Linkov, Response to the paper by H. Zia, B. Lecampion “Explicit versus implicit front advancing schemes for the simulation of hydraulic fracture growth” (Int. J. Numer. Anal. Methods Geomech., 2019, 43 (6), 1300–1315). Int. J. Numer. Anal. Methods Geomech., 2020, 1-6.

  10. A. Włoch, I. Włoch, On some multinomial sums related to the Fibonacci type numbers, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 77 (2020), 99–108.

Rok 2019

  1. L. Rybarska-Rusinek, On evaluation of influence coefficients for edge and intermediate boundary elements in 3D problems involving strong field concentrations. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences 2019, DOI: 10.24425/125435.
  2. L. Rybarska-Rusinek, Opracowanie metod i procedur numerycznych do modelowania obszarów o silnej koncentracji pól fizycznych. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów 2019.
  3. B. Datsko, I. Podlubny and Y. Povstenko, Time-Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation with Mass Absorption in a Sphere under Harmonic Impact, Mathematics 2019-05-16 | journal-article DOI: 10.3390/math7050433Part of ISSN: 2227-7390
  4. B. Datsko, Complex Dynamics in Basic Two-Component Auto-Oscillation Systems with Fractional Derivatives of Different Orders, 2020 | book-chapter DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-17344-9_8
  5. A. Włoch, H. Czyż, T. Jasiński, Separation of Cells From Plasma by Means of Ultrasonics, Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 44, No. 2, (2019) pp. 357–363, DOI: 10.24425/aoa.2019.128499.
  6. H. Czyż, A. Włoch, T. Jasiński, The statistical method for calculating the velocity of acoustic waves in extreme conditions, Acta Physica Polonica (przyjęte do druku)
  7. A. Włoch, H. Czyż, T. Jasiński, The application of the special functions to solving physical problems, Acta Physica Polonica (przyjęte do druku)
  8. M.V. Kutniv, B.Y. Datsko, A.V. Kunynets, A. Włoch, A new approach to constructing of explicit one-step methods of high order for singular initial value problems for nonlinear ordinary differential equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, in press, Available online 11 September 2019.
  9. B. Datsko, I. Podlubny, Y. Povstenko, Time-Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation with Mass Absorption in a Sphere under Harmonic Impact, Mathematics 2019, 7 (5), 433.

Rok 2018

  1. I.O. Gladkov, A. M. Linkov, Solution of plane hydrofracture problem with stress contrast, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2018, Vol. 59, No 2, 341-351.
  2. L. Rybarska-Rusinek, E. Rejwer, A. Linkov, Speeded simulation of seismicity accompanying mining and hydrofracture, Engineering Computations, 2018. (przyjęta do druku).
  3. K. Sivasubramanian, M. Govindaraj, K. Piejko, On certain class of univalent functions with conic domains involving Sokół-Nunokawa class, U.P.B Sci. Bull., Series A, Vol. 80, Iss. 1, 2018, 123-134.
  4. B. Datsko, V. Gafiychuk, Complex spatio-temporal solutions in fractional reaction-diffusion systems near a bifurcation point, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 21 (1), (2018)  237-253 
  5. K. Piejko, On k-distance Pell numbers and ((k-1)A, (k-1)B, kC)-edge coloured graphs, Ars Combin. 139(2018), 197-215.
  6. K. Piejko, On the number of (A, B, 2C)-edge colourings in graphs, Ars Combin. 139(2018), 27-41.
  7. K. Piejko, L. Trojnar-Spelina, On (A,2B,2C)-edge colouring in certain class of graphs, Ars Combin. 139(2018), pp. 119-131.
  8. B. Datsko, V. Gafiychuk, Mathematical modeling of traveling autosolitons in fractional-order activator-inhibitor systems, Bulletin Of The Polish Academy Of Sciences, Technical Sciences, Vol. 66, No. 4, 2018, 411-418.
  9. N. Bednarz, A. Włoch, I. Włoch, The Fibonacci numbers in edge coloured unicyclic graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, 106 (2018),  39-49.
  10. P. Ochalik, A. Włoch, On generalized Mersenne numbers their interpretations and matrix generators, Annales UMCS, Sectio A, Mathematica, 1 (2018) 69-76.

Rok 2017

  1. M. Król, M.V. Kutniv, O.I. Pazdriy, Difference schemes for systems of second order nonlinear ODEs on a semi-infinite interval. Applied Numerical Mathematics 119 (2017) 33–50.
  2. A. Włoch, M. Wołowiec-Musiał, On generalized telephone numbers, their interpretations and matrix generators, Utilitas Mathematica 105 (2017), 31-39
  3. A. Włoch, H. Czyż, T. Jasiński, Aspects of Applicability King-St. Clair Approximation in a Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 132 1 (2017) 164-166.  DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.132.164
  4. H. Czyż, T. Jasiński, A. Włoch, Funkcje rozkładu i stałe czasowe procesu zmian koncentracji komórek w płynach fizjologicznych w polu ultradźwiękowej fali stojącej, W: Postępy akustyki 2017 - Advances in acoustics; Red: Bismor Dariusz - Gliwice: Polskie Towarzystwo akustyczne, Oddział Górnośląski, Polish Acoustical Society, Silesian Division, 2017, s. 125-137.
  5. A. Linkov, E. Rejwer, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, On solving continuum-mechanics problems by fast multipole methods, DOKLADY PHYSICS Volume: 62  Issue: 8   Pages: 400-402, 2017
  6. A. Linkov, E. Rejwer, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, Torsional rigidity of a bar with multiple fibers, Mechanics of Solids, Volume: 52,  Issue:4 , pp 452–456, 2017.
  7. Monografia: A. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, Five Lectures on Continuum Mechanics, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów 2017.
  8. A. M. Linkov, Response to the paper by M. Wrobel, G. Mishuris, A. Piccolroaz “Energy release rate in hydraulic fracture: Can we neglect an impact of the hydraulically induced shear stress?” (International Journal of Engineering Science, 2017, 111, 28–51), International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 127, June 2018, Pages 217-219.
  9. B. Datsko, V. Gafiychuk, Mathematical modeling of traveling autosolitons in fractional-order activator-inhibitor systems, BPASTS-00731-2017-01, Insert date: 2017-11-26, Publishing fee: Free of charge Article state: Initially accepted

Rok 2016

  1. B. Datsko, V. Meleshko,  Complex motion in simple fractional nonlinear autonomous systems, Proceedings of Int. Conf on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 18-20, 2016, 766-777.
  2. W. Jabłonski, Additive iterative roots of identity and Hamel bases, Aequationes Math. 90 (2016), 133-145.
  3. D. Jaworski, E. Rejwer, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, Universal computational module accounting for strong field concentration with application to hydraulic fractures, Book of abstracts. XLIV International Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" APM 2016. St. Petersburg Polytechnic University 2016, 101-102.
  4. N. Khan, K. I. Noor, K. Piejko, Alpha convex functions associated with conic domains, International Journal of Analysis and Applications, Vol. 127, no 2 (2016), 70-80.
  5. M. Król, A.V. Kunynets, M.V. Kutniv, Exact three-point difference scheme for singular nonlinear boundary value problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 298 (2016), 175-189.
  6. A. M. Linkov, Solution of axisymmetric hydraulic fracture problem for thinning fluids, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  80 (2) (2016), 207-217.
  7. A. M. Linkov, Numerical solution of plane hydrofracture problem in modified formulation under arbitrary initial conditions, Russian Mining Science 2 (2016), 48-57.
  8. A. M. Linkov, On decaying influence of initial conditions in the problem of hydraulic fracturing, Doklady Physics 61 (7) (2016), 350-352.
  9. A. M. Linkov, Key-note lecture: The modified theory of hydraulic fracturing and its applications, Book of abstracts. XLIV International Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" APM 2016, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (2016), 74-75.
  10. A. M. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, V. V. Zoubkov, Reasonable sets of input parameters and output distributions for simulation of seismicity, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 84 (2016), 87-94.
  11. A. M. Linkov, A. D. Stepanov, On increasing of efficiency of hydraulic fracture simulation by using dynamic approach of modified theory, Book of abstracts,  XLIV International Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" APM 2016,   St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (2016), 115.

Rok 2015

  1. U. Bednarz, D. Bród, A. Włoch, I. Włoch, M. Wołowiec-Musiał, On three types of (2,k)- distance Fibonacci numbers and number decompositions, Ars Combinatoria 118 (2015), 391-405.
  2. H.Czyż, T.Jasiński, A.Włoch , Ultrasonic Methods of the Cells Separation in Human Blood, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 128 2 (2015) 234-236.
  3. A. Dobroskok, A. M. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, On simulation and interpretation of seismicity accompanying hydraulic fractures, 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics & 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Short Papers vol. 2, Gdańsk 2015, 603-604.
  4. W. Jabłonski, Additive involutions and Hamel bases, Aequationes Math. 89 (2015), 575–582.
  5. W. Jabłonski, Iterations in rings of formal power series, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej 2015, 1–114.
  6. W. Jabłonski, Homomorphisms of the group L1s  into the group  L1r for r≥4, w: Ludwig Reich 75. A Tribute by Students, Colleagues, and Friends, H. Fripertinger, W. Prager, J. Schwaiger and Jorg Tomaschek (eds.), Grazer Math. Ber. 363 (2015), 81–105.
  7. D. Jaworski, A. M. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, A note on evaluation of temporal derivative of hypersingular integrals over open surface with propagating contour, Journal of Elasticity 120, No 1 (2015), 121-128.
  8. D. Jaworski, A. M. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, On solving 3D elasticity problems for inhomogeneous region with cracks, pores and inclusions,  Computers and Geotechnics 71 (2015), 295-309.
  9. D. Jaworski, A. M. Linkov, L. Rybarska-Rusinek, Almost analytical evaluation of influence coefficients for ordinary and edge power-type boundary elements, Proc. 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics & 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Short papers vol. 2, Gdańsk 2015, 607-608.
  10. A. M. Linkov, Particle velocity, speed equation and universal asymptotics for efficient modelling of hydraulic fractures,  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 79 (2015) 54–63.
  11. A.M. Linkov, Key-note lecture: Modified theory, universal asymptotic umbrella and efficient simulation of hydraulic fracturing, Proc. 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics & 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Gdańsk 2015, 607-608.
  12. K. Piejko, Extremal trees with respect to number of (A,B,2C)-edge colourings, J. Appl. Math.  2015, Art. ID 463650, 5 str.
  13. K. Piejko, J. Sokół, On Booth lemniscate and Hadamard product of analytic functions, Math. Slovaca  65 (2015), no. 6, 1337–1344.
  14. J.R. Rak, A. Włoch, Models of level diversification assessment of Water Supply Subsystem,  rozdział w monografii  Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas 3, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2015.

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